Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

On Mortality analysis

Adhikary, Mihir, Saikia, Nandita, Purohit, Pallav, Canudas-Romo, Vladimir and Schoop, Wolfgang (9 August 2024). Air Pollution and Mortality in India: Investigating the Nexus of Ambient and Household Pollution Across Life Stages. GeoHealth, 8, e2023GH000968.

Gupta, M., Rao, C., Yadav, A. K., Jat, M., Dhamija, R. K., & Saikia, Nandita. ( August 29, 2023). The COVID-19 pandemic death toll in India: can we know better?. BMJ Global Health8(8).

Saikia Nandita., Kumar K., and Das, B. (1 Feb 2023). Death registration coverage in India: Results from a nationally representative survey.Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. Date of Publication: 1st Feb 2023

Chandan Kumar, Piyasa and Saikia Nandita (16 November, 2022). An update on explaining the rural-urban gap in under-five mortality in India. BMC Public Health

Carshon-Marsh, R., Aimone, A., Ansumana, R., Swaray, I. B., Assalif, A., Musa, A., Meh, C., Smart, F., Fu, S.H, Newcombe, L., Kamadod, R., Saikia, Nandita,… & Jha, P. (Januar 2022). Child, maternal, and adult mortality in Sierra Leone: nationally representative mortality survey 2018–20. The Lancet Global Health10(1), e114-e123.

Saikia, Nandita., Meh, C., Ram, U., Bora, JK., Mishra, B., Chandra, S., and Jha., P. (2021). Trends in missing females at birth in India from 1981 to 2016: Analysis of 2.1 million birth histories in nationally representative surveys. Lancet Global Health. Publisher: Elsavier. DOI:

Chisumpa VH, Odimegwu, CO and Saikia Nandita. (2019)Adult mortality in sub‐Saharan Africa: Cross‐sectional study of causes of death in Zambia. Tropical Medicine and International Health  DOI:1111/tmi.13302

Saikia, Nandita., Bora, J. & Luy, M. (2019). Socioeconomic disparity in adult mortality in India: estimations using orphanhood method. Genus. Volume 75 Number 7 Publisher: Springer Open:

Bora, J. and Saikia, Nandita. (2018). Neonatal and under-five mortality rate in Indian districts with reference to Sustainable Development Goal 3: An analysis of the National Family Health Survey of India (NFHS), 2015–2016. LoS ONE: Publisher: Public Library of Science: PLoS ONE 13(7): e0201125. pone.0201125 plosone/article/authors?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0201125

Guilmoto, C.Z., Saikia, Nandita., Tamrakar, V. and Bora, J.K. (2018). Excess under-5 female mortality across India:a spatial analysis using 2011 census data. Lancet Global Health: Publisher: Elsevier

Saikia Nandita and Bora, J.K. (2016). Does increasing longevity lead increasing disability? Evidence from the Indian States. Social Change and Development Vol XIII. Publisher: OKD Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati. 

Saikia, Nandita., Shkolnikov, V., Jasilionis, D., and Chandrasekhar (2016) Trends and sub-national disparities in neonatal mortality in India from 1981 to 2011. Asian Population Studies, Vol 12 (1) Publisher: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.http://www.tandfonline .com/doi/pdf /10.1080/17441730.2015.1130325

Canudas-Romo, V. Saikia, Nandita., and Diamond-Smith, N. (2015). The contribution of age-specific mortality towards male and female life expectancy differentials in India and selected States, 1970-2013. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Vol 30, Number 2 Publisher: United Nations ESCAP.

Saikia, Nandita., Singh, A., Jasilionis, D. and Ram, F. (2013). Explaining the trends in the rural-urban gap in infant mortality in India” Demographic Research 29(18):473-506, Publisher: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany.

Saikia, Nandita.,Singh, A. and Ram, F.(2013). “Adult male mortality in India since independence: An application of widowhood method” Asian Population Studies). DOI:10.1080/17441730.2013.785720;Publisher: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.http:// 

Saikia, Nandita., Jasilionis, D., Ram, F. and Shkolnikov, V. (2011) “Trends and geographic differentials in mortality under age 60 in India” Population Studies 65(1):73-89. DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2010.534642; Publisher: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Saikia, Nandita., Singh, A. and Ram, F. (2010) “Has child mortality in India really increased in last two decades? Economic and Political Weekly” Vol.XLV, 51. system/files/pdf/2010_45/51/Has_Child_Mortality_in_India_Really_Increased_i n_the_Last_ Two_Decades.pdf

Saikia, Nandita. and Ram, F. (2010) “Determinants of adult mortality in India” Asian Population Studies 6(2). Publisher: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group /doi/pdf/10.1080/17441730.2010.494441?needAccess=true 

On Population Health issue

Boro, S., & Saikia, Nandita. (10 September 2024). The effects of substance use on non-communicable diseases among older adults aged 60 and above in the North-eastern States of India. Plos one19(9), e0307603.

Mal, P., & Saikia, Nandita. (7 June 2024). Empowering tribal women: a comparative analysis of matrilineal and patrilineal societies in India. Cogent Social Sciences10(1), 2360172.

Boro, S., & Saikia, Nandita. (2024). The effects of substance use on non-communicable diseases among older adults aged 60 and above in the North-eastern States of India. Plos one19(9), e0307603.

Mal, Piyasa and Saikia, Nandita (9 July 2024). Disparity by Caste and Tribe: Understanding women’s empowerment and health outcomes in India. Social Science and sMedicine 354.

Kumar, K., Saikia, Nandita. and Diamond-smith, N. (June 1, 2022) Performance barriers of Civil Registration System in Bihar: An Exploratory Study. PLoS One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268832.eCollection 2022.

Tamrakar, V., Srivastava, A., Saikia, Nandita., Parmar, M. C., Shukla, S. K., Shabnam, S., … & Debbarma, B. (2021). District level correlates of COVID-19 pandemic in India during March-October 2020. PloS one16(9), e0257533.

Mal, Piyasa and Saikia, Nandita (7 June 2024). Empowering tribal women: a comparative analysis of matrilineal and patrilineal societies in India. Cogent Social Sciences 10(1)

Adhikary, M., Mal, P., & Saikia, Nandita. (Janury 25, 2024). Exploring the link between particulate matter pollution and acute respiratory infection risk in children using generalized estimating equations analysis: a robust statistical approach. Environmental Health23(1), 12.

Borah, G., Saikia, Nandita., Das, S., & Sharma, S. (10 May 2023). Wellbeing in the aftermath of floods: Findings from a qualitative study in Bongaigaon District of Assam, India. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 100147.

Saikia, Nandita. and Bora J.K., (April 2023). Awareness and Impact of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat Program in India: A Mixed Methods Study. GUINEIS Journal: An interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal of North East India Studies.Special Issue 2023. Maan Ki Baat and North East India.Maan ki baat Saikia and Bora_compressed

Baruah, S. and Saikia  Nandita. (11 April 2023). Perception, environmental determinants, and health complications of excess weight in India: a mixed methods approach. Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 5868 (2023Scientific Report.

Kumari, N., Saikia, Nandita., and Subramanian, S.V. (7 Feb 2023). The Puzzle of underreporting disability among tribal population in India: Is it a statistical artifact or reality? Geroscience.

Baruah, S. and Saikia N. (19 December 2022). Perception, risk factors, and health behaviors in adult obesity in Kolkata, India: A mixed method approach.  BMC Public Health

Shaikh, R., & Saikia, Nandita. (26 July, 2022). Socioeconomic inequalities in tobacco cessation among Indians above 15 years of age from 2009 to 2017: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). BMC Public Health22(1), 1-12.

Diamond-Smith ,  Gopalakrishnan, L., Gutierrez , S., Francis, F.,  Saikia, Nandita., and Patil, S. (July 4, 2022). Early findings on the impact of COVID-19 on men and women’s fertility preferences and access to maternal and reproductive health care in India.

Boro, B. and Saikia, Nandita. (17 May, 2022). Association of multimorbidity and physical activity among older adults in India: An analysis from the Longitudinal Ageing Survey of India (2017-2018). BMK Open.

Saddaf Akhtar and Saikia, Nandita., (28 November, 2022). Differentials and predictors of hospitalization among elderly people in India: Evidence from  National Sample Survey. Working with Older people. Emerald Publishing.

Bora, J.K., Saikia, Nandita. and Lutz, W. (21 January 2022). Revisiting the causes of fertility decline in Bangladesh: the relative importance of female education and family planning programs.

Boro, B., Srivastava, S. & Saikia, Nandita. Is There an Association Between Change in Old-Age Living Arrangements and Older Adults’ Psychological Health and Subjective Well-Being in India? Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study. Ageing Int (2021).

Kumar, K., & Saikia, Nandita. (2021). Determinants of birth registration in India: Evidence from NFHS 2015–16. PloS one16(9), e0257014.

Pothisiri, W., Prasitsiriphon, O., Saikia, N., & Aekplakorn, W. (2021). Education and grip strength among older Thai adults: A mediation analysis on health-related behaviours. SSM-population health, 100894. science/article/pii/ S23528 27 321001695

Boro, B. and Saikia, Nandita. (2020). A qualitative study of the barriers to utilizing health-care services among the tribal population in Assam. Plosone. Publisher: Public Library of Science. pone.0240096

Baruah S., Saikia. Nandita. and Sk, R. (2020). Spatial Pattern and determinants of diagnosed Diabetes in Southern India: Evidence from a population-based survey. Journal of Biosocial Science Publisher: Cambridge University press.

Saikia, Nandita. and Debbarma, B. (2019). The socioeconomic correlates of substance use among male adults in Northeast India. Clinical Epidemiology and global health. Publisher: Elsevier.

Diamond-Smith, N., Saikia, Nandita.,   Bishai, B., and   Canudas-Romo, V., (2019).What has contributed to improvements in the child sex ratio in select districts of India? A decomposition of the sex ratio at birth and child mortality. Journal of biosocial science. Publisher: Cambridge University Press.

Saikia, Nandita., Moradhvaj, Saha, A. and Chutia, U. (2019). Actual and ideal fertility differential among natives, immigrants, and descendants of immigrants in a northeastern state of India. Population, Space, and Place. Publisher: Wiley. https://onlinelibrary. 10.1002/psp.2238.

Moradhvaj and Saikia, Nandita. (2019). Gender Disparities in Health-care Expenditure and Financing Strategies (HCFS) for In-patient Care in India. SSM-Population Health. Publisher: Elsevier.

Saikia, Nandita., Sehgal, S., Bora, J. & Dimondsmith. N. (2018). Experiences of neonatal deaths among Urban poor in metropolitan delhi: Commination, poor quality, And overwhelmed system. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies. Volume03, Number 1&2. Publisher: Sage:

Parmer, M. and Saikia. Nandita. (2018). Chronic Morbidity and Reported Disability among Older Persons from the India Human Development Survey. BMC Geriatrics Publisher:BMC part of Springer Nature.

Saikia, Nandita., Bora, J. K. Jasilionis, D and Shkolnikov, (2016). Disability Divide in India: Evidence from 2011 Census. PLoS ONE: Publisher: Public Library of Science: PLoS ONE 11(8): e0159809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159809 Publisher: Public Library of Science.

Saikia, Nandita., Moradhvaj and Bora, J.K. (2016). Gender Difference in Health-Care Expenditure: Evidence from India Human Development Survey. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158332. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0158332, Publisher: Public Library of Science.  http://www.ncbi. 

Saikia, Nandita. and Kulkarni, P.M. (2016). On data availability for health inequality research in India Economic and political weekly. Vol LI Nos 26 & 27. /journal/2016/26-27/notes/data-research-health-inequality-india.html 

Bora, J.K. and Saikia Nandita. (2015). Gender differentials in Self-rated Health and Self-reported disability among adults in India. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0141953. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0141953, Publisher: Public Library of Science.http://www.ncbi.nlm. /26536133

Husain, Z., Saikia, Nandita., and Bora, R.S. (2014). “Health Mission: Lost Opportunities in Uttarakhand” Journal of the National Human Rights Commission India, 13.  

Saikia, Nandita. and Singh, A. (2009) “Does the type of family affect maternal health? Evidence from India” Journal of Bio-social Sciences 41(3):329-353.Publisher: Cambridge University Press.

Saikia, Nandita. and Bhat, P.N. Mari (2008) “Factors Affecting Adult Mortality in India: An Analysis of National Family Health Surveys of 1992-1993 & 1998-1999 (NFHS I and II) ” Demography India 37 (2):291-302. Publisher: Indian Association for Study of Population.;jsessionid=705498ABD72E4326127C7A6D8FB92E42?doi=

Ram, F. Singh, A. and Saikia Nandita. (2010). Comment on Paper entitled “Mortality Transition in India 1970-2005” by Aalok Ranjan Chaurasia published online in Asian Population Studies” Asian Population Studies 6(1): 347 – 351 Publisher: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Chapters in edited books (Peer Reviewed)

Borah, Girimallika and Saikia, Nandita. (25 May 2024). Changing Population Dynamics, Losses and Adaptation to Recurring Floods in Bongaigaon. Flood Risk Management: Assessment and Strategy, pages 143-160. Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore
Shabnam, S., & Saikia, Nandita. (7 February 2024). Summary Measures of Population Health: Healthy Life Expectancy in India in the Context of Sustainable Development. In Sustainability: Science, Policy, and Practice in India: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 35-51). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Saddaf Naaz Akhtar & Nandita Saikia (12 October 2023). Economic Dependency, chronic illness and Insurance Coverage Among the Elderly: A Comparative Study Between EAG and Non-EAG States of India. In the Handbook of Ageing, Chronic Illness, and Insurance Coverage Among the Elderly. The Springer Publisher. Edited by S Irudaya Rajan

Saikia, Nandita., Saha, A., Bora, J.K. and Joe, W. (2020). “Immigration and Bengali population in Assam: Evidence from Direct and Indirect Demographic Estimation”in Population Dynamics in Eastern India and Bangladesh, Springer Publicationby Chattopadhyay, Aparajita, Ghosh, Saswata (Eds.)

Saikia, Nandita., Trends in Mortality Differentials in India (2016) in “Contemporary Demographic Transformations in China, India and Indonesia”, Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Development 5, ed. by Christophe Z Guilmoto and Gavin Jones, Publisher: Springer.  

Saikia, Nandita., Bora, J.K. and Ram, F. (2013). Who Gets Education in Uttarakhand? In Population, Health and DevelopmentPerspectives on Uttarakhand, Eds.T.V. Sekher, A.Singh and S. Parasuraman, Academic Foundation, New Delhi. 

Working/Occasional papers

Saikia Nandita.  and Moradhvaj (2020). Socioeconomic patterns and determinants of adult mortality due to external-causes in india: analysis of nationally-representative, population-based survey data. Working paper Vienna Institute of Demography. 04/2020 available at: https:// 02 0_04.pdf

Bora, J.K., Saikia, Nandita. and Lutz, W. (2019). Revisiting the causes of fertility decline in Bangladesh: Family planning program or female education. IIASA Working Paper. Laxenburg, Austria: WP-19-011 eprint/16200/?fbclid=IwAR 2HfxjbfDm9LHEw-J_bd1YeDoturtH6Y1PQOtv9rJEXgNF_aviCOimcflM

Chisumpa, V.S., Odimegwu, C.O. and Saikia Nandita. (2019). Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: What is killing adults aged 15-59 years in Zambia?. Vienna Institute of demography working paper, 04/2019.WP2019_04

Saikia Nandita. and Kulkarni P. M. (2017). Tracking SDGs on Health and Nutrition Metrics: India Needs Data Revolution. Observer Research Foundation Occasional Paper (prepared for NITI Ayog, Government of India).

Saikia Nandita, Saha, A, Bora, J.K., and Joe, W. (2016). IMMIGRATION FROM BANGLADESH TO ASSAM Working paper no 91. ISSN 0976-271X published by IMDS project, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, JNU, New Delhi.

Hussain, Z. Saikia, Nandita., and Bora R.S. (2012). Opportunities and challenges of the health management information system in India: a case study of Uttarakhand. MPRA Paper No. 40014, posted 11. July 2012 13:57 UTC /1/MPRA_ paper_40014.pdf

Canudas-Romo, V., and Saikia, Nandita. (2013). “The gender gap in life expectancy in India 1970-2006” working paper no 322, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. /upload/publication/Workpap/wp322.pdf

Saikia, Nandita., Jasilionis, D., Ram, F., and Shkolnikov, V. (2010). “Estimates of mortality under age 60 in India and its states, 1970-2004” MPIDR Technical Report TR-2010-006, Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. http://www.demogr.mpg. de/papers/ technicalreports/tr-2010-006.pdf 

Saikia, Nandita., Jasilionis, D., Ram, F., and Shkolnikov, V. (2009). “Trends in geographic mortality differentials in India”. A working paper in Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research, Germany WP-2009-13.

Policy/research Brief

Saikia, Nandita., Kumar, Krishna, Bora, Jayanta Kumar, Singh, S., Mondal, S., Agrawal. S. (November 2022). Socio-economic and regional disparity in immunisation coverage of children in India. Research_brief_No22 (1)IIPS Research Brief. Number 22.

Saikia, Nandita., Singha Dhiraj, Singh Divyanshi, Yog Lakshya , Pandey Pragati, Mukherjee, S., Chatterjeee & Sharma, Kaushal. (2017). Tourism in Nagaon: Ptential and challenges.   Souvenir Mahabahu (Namami Brahmaputra), Published by District Administration, Nagaon, Assam.

Hussain, Z. Saikia Nandita., and Bora R.S. (2013). Challenges in HMIS in India: A case study of Udham Singh Nagar Uttarakhand. Policy Brief Institute of Economic Growth; 1/2013.