Research Projects

Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator in Global Adult Tobacco Survey-3, India, Funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, 2023 Onwards.

Principal Investigator in  “The Impact of lifestyle habits and Disaster on the Health of the tribal population in Eastern India” August 2022- now, funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.

Principal Investigator in  “PM’s Engagement with Different Manifestations of Women Power in Mann Ki Baat and Its Transformative Impac” March 2023- now, funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.Monograph confidential not to be cited

Principal Investigator in  “An Assessment of Death Registration in Civil Registration System in India: A Mixed-Method Study”, Sept 2022-Present, funded by International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai  (ongoing)

Co-Investigator of the project “Developing the district level forecasts of vaccine coverage and inferring vaccine confidence across India using large public health datasets”, funded by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). Collaborator: IIT Delhi, Imperial College London, and INCLEN Trust Delhi.

Principal investigator:ICSSR funded the project on “Cross-Border Migration in Assam during 1951-2011: Magnitude, Process and Socio-Economic Consequences”: Completed: 2013-2015: Principal Investigator (Co-Investigator Dr. William Joe, IEG, Delhi).Saikia et al Immigration in Assam 1950-2011

Principal Investigator: IEG Think Tank project grant for the project: Too Early to Die: Qualitative Insights on neonatal deaths in Delhi:

Report of Maternal & Child Health Services Under HMIS: West & South West Districts, Delhi, September 2012, submitted to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, along with IEG PRC faculties ;

Report Quality of Health Management Information system (HMIS) in Uttarakhand: A Study of Rudraprayag and Udham Singh Nagar submitted to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, along with IEG PRC faculties, October, 2011.