International seminars/conferences

Presented paper “An update on Excess female deaths in India under age five: Is India changing for better?” in international seminar  Population dynamics in India, The World’s most populous country 10-11 May 2023 organised by NewYork University Abu Dhabi and IIPS, Mumbai.

Presented paper “The Current Challenges faced by Asian Social Scientists” in the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils Biennial conference “Social Science in Asia: Past, Present and Future” 14-15 June 2023 at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.

Presented paper “Death Registration Coverage for population Subgroups, India 2019-21” in  United Nations World Data Forum, Hangzhou, China on 27-04-2023 (Online).

Presented paper “Extending the reference period for data collection for COVID impact assessment: Evidence from India” in  United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Innovative methods to measure the impact of COVID-19 on mortality through surveys and censuses, 23-25th August 2022 at NewYork University Abu Dhabi.

Presented paper “Neonatal, Post Neonatal, Child and Adult Mortality in India ” in Australian Population Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 23-25 November 2022.

Presented poster on “Geographical variation in COVID-19 cases, prevalence, recovery and fatality rate by phase of national lockdown in India, March 14-May 31, 2020: evidence from crowdsourced data” In international Online Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2020 Demographic Aspect of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its consequences Organized by Wittgenstein Centre, IIASA and UW and VID, Austria in 30 Nov – 01 Dec 2020.

presented orally on “District level correlates of the COVID-19 pandemic in India” In international Online Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2020 Demographic Aspect of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its consequences Organized by Wittgenstein Centre, IIASA and UW and VID, Austria in 30 Nov – 01 Dec 2020.

 Presented poster on “Neonatal and under-five mortality rate in Indian districts with reference to Sustainable Development Goal 3” in the international symposium “Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World” organized by Austrian Academy of Sciences, at Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria April 4-5, 2019.

Presented oral paper “Ageing in India: Application of Conventional and Prospective measures in India, 2011” in the International Conference: New Directions for Research on Ageing: Work, Care, and Mobility to be held at Manipal, India on 01 & 02, March 2019 organized by Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Swansea University (the UK) & JNU (India).

Presented presenting the oral paper “Neonatal and under-five mortality rate in Indian districts with reference to Sustainable Development Goal 3” in the conference “Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-death Trajectories in European Societies”, 11-13 February 2019 in Rauischholzhausen castle (Hessen), Germany, Organised by IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifespan extension with varying cause-of-death Trajectories.

Presented oral paper “Socio-economic patterns and determinants of adult deaths due to external-cause in India: Analysis of nationally representative population-based survey “, 11-13 February 2019 in Rauischholzhausen castle (Hessen), Germany, Organised by IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifespan extension with varying cause-of-death Trajectories.

Presented oral paper “Socio-economic patterns and determinants of adult deaths due to external-causes in India: Analysis of nationally representative population-based survey data” in the British Society for Population Studies Conference, University of Winchester, UK 10th September to 12th September 2018.

Presented oral paper “Gender Difference in Post-Neonatal Mortality by Type of Family in Rural South Asia” in the European Population Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 6th June to 9th June 2018.

 Presented oral paper “Social Gradients in Adult Mortality in India: Application of Orphanhood Method in India Human Development Surveys” in the European Population Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 6th June to 9th June 2018.

Presented oral paper “Socio-economic disparity in Adult Mortality in India: An Application of Orphanhood Method in India Human Development Survey” in 9th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague during 15th and 16th February 2018

Presented poster paper “Differences in Adult Mortality by education, caste and religion in India: Application of modified Orphanhood Method in India Human Development Survey” in the IUSSPXXVIII International Population Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 29th October to 4th November 2017.

Presented paper “Geographical differentials and determinants of excess female under-five deaths in Indian Districts: Evidence from the Census 2011” in the IUSSPXXVIII International Population Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 29th October to 4th November 2017.

Presented poster paper “Gender Disparity in Intra-Household Health Care Expenditure: Empirical Evidence from India” in the IUSSPXXVIII International Population Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 29th October to 4th November 2017.

Presented poster paper “Gender difference in post-neonatal mortality by type of family in rural South Asia” in the IUSSPXXVIII International Population Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 29th October to 4th November 2017.

Presented paper “Disability Divides in India: Evidence from 2011 Census” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, Chicago, USA, 27th April to 29th April 2017.

Presented poster “Trends in Immigration from Bangladesh to Assam, 1951-2001 Evidence from Direct and Indirect Demographic Estimation” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, Chicago, USA, 27th April to 29th April 2017.

Presented paper “Geospatial distribution of female under-five deaths in India” in IUSSP international seminar on “Mortality Forecasting in developing countries”, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi., 6th to 7th April 2017.

Presented paper “Sub National Variation in neonatal mortality during 1981-2011” in European Population Conference, Mainz, Germany 31st August-3rd September 2016.

Presented poster “Geographical patterning of excess female infant and child deaths in Indian Districts: Evidence from the Census 2011” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, Washington DC, USA, 31st March to 2nd April 2016.

Presented paper “Gender differentials in Self-rated Health and Self-reported disability among adults in India” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, Washington DC, USA, 31st March to 2nd April 2016.

Presented paper “Disability Divide in India: Evidence from Census of India 2011” in XXXV INCA International Congress 15-17 December 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Presented paper “Neonatal deaths among urban poor in Delhi” in an international seminar on “Mortality and Causes of Death Studies in India: Requirement, Availability, and Analysis during past four decades” during 26-27 March 2015 in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Presented the seminar report in the International Seminar by IUSSP on “Promoting Postpartum and Post-abortion Family Planning: Challenges and Opportunities”, Taj Hotel, Cochin, India in 11-13 November 2014 as a recipient of Junior Demographer Travel award.

Presented paper “Sub National Variation in neonatal mortality during 1981-2011” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, Boston, USA, 1-3 May 2014.

Presented paper “Mortality in India during 1970-2006: The role of causes of death in explaining the Female-Male mortality Gap” in 27th IUSSP Conference, Busan, South Korea, 26-31 August 2013.

Presented paper “Mortality Inequality in India during 1970-2010: Integrating Census and Sample Registration System Findings” in JY Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22-24 May 2013.

Presented poster “Adult Mortality in India: An application of widowhood method” in the annual meeting of Population Association of America, San Francisco, USA, 3-5 May 2012.

Presented paper in IUSSP Regional conference “Social Determinants of Infant mortality: does class or caste matter in Urban India?” in the international conference “New Approaches to Urban Health and Mortality” during the Health Transition, Sevilla, Spain by IUSSP) during 14-17 December 2011 (presentation through the web)

Presented paper “Explaining reduction of urban infant mortality in India: Evidence from NFHS data during 1992-93 to 2005-06” in 10th International Conference on Urban Health held at MINASCENTRO Convention Center, in Belo Horizonte City, Brazil, 1-5 November 2011.

Presented paper “Determinants of Adult Mortality in India” in 26th IUSSP International Population Conference held in Morocco 27 September 2009- 2 October 2009.

Presented Ph.D. synopsis on Adult Mortality in India as Junior Demographer at International Seminar “Emergence of Social Differences in Mortality Time Trends Causes and Reactions”, Alghero, Italy in 29-30 May 2008.